Indian plant wards off joint pain, anxiety, and more

In western medicine, most doctors still use one drug to treat one health condition.

But in places like India and China, they commonly use versatile plant extracts—called “adaptogens”—to treat multiple health problems.

In fact, a well-known adaptogen in traditional Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine comes from a native plant called “smell of the horse.”

It can help banish joint pain, ease stress and anxiety, manage blood sugar, ward off cancer, and much more.

Let’s talk about what this popular adaptogen can do for YOU…

Fight SIX serious conditions

The well-known adaptogen I’m talking about today is ashwagandha, which in Sanskrit means “smell of the horse.”

Some say the plant’s unusual name relates to how its roots smell like a sweaty horse. Others believe taking the extract makes you feel as strong as a horse, hence the name.

And both explanations make sense. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, they’ve been using this strong-smelling plant extract for centuries to promote homeostasis (internal balance) and support overall longevity.

Plus, modern science now shows it can offer SIX powerful health benefits, including protection against:

  1. Joint pain. Ashwagandha first caught my attention a decade ago as a natural way to reduce joint pain. I routinely recommend it as one of my ABCs of joint health—along with boswellia and curcumin. Studies show this trio works together synergistically to reduce inflammation, allowing your body to rebuild and maintain healthy cartilage.I’ve even heard from readers who’ve cancelled knee replacement surgeries after just a couple months of taking my ABCs of joint health. (Keep reading to learn about the dosage needed for all three extracts!)
    2. Type II diabetes. Ashwagandha has been used since ancient times to help manage metabolic problems, such as Type II diabetes. And in a massive, recent review of 24 previously published studies, ashwagandha significantly reduced blood sugar, HbA1c (the long-term measure of blood sugar), insulin, blood lipids (fats), and markers of oxidative stress. Researchers think it works by helping your cells move glucose (sugar) from your blood stream into other tissues.
  2. Anxiety and depression. Ashwagandha also seems to help wipe out anxiety and depression by slowing production of harmful stress hormones, including cortisol. In fact, in one recent study, people who took just 300 mg of ashwagandha for eight weeks had lower levels of anxiety and fatigue. Plus, they had heightened focus and concentration compared to people who received talk therapy for the same amount of time.

In another study, stressed adults who took 600 mg of ashwagandha per day for eight weeks reported an impressive 77 percent reduction in depression symptoms, while those who took a placebo only reported a 5 percent reduction.

  1. Insomnia. Adding ashwagandha to your supplement regimen can also help you get better sleep each night. In a recent study, men and women took either 600 mg of ashwagandha or a placebo for 12 weeks. After that time period, the ashwagandha group had “significantly” better sleep quality and more mental alertness during the day compared to the placebo group. They also reported better feelings of overall well-being.

(In my view, these findings on sleep probably relate to the mechanism I just mentioned about how ashwagandha helps control cortisol, the stress hormone.)

  1. Cancer. Several studies show compounds in ashwagandha may ward off certain types of cancer, including cancers of the breast, colon, prostate, and lung. Some experts even recommend it alongside conventional chemotherapy and radiation to help with the side effects and to bolster the immune system. It seems to work by reducing levels of harmful, inflammatory proteins in the body, such as interleukin-10 (IL-10).
  2. Neurological and cognitive decline. Taking ashwagandha may also slow and reverse certain kinds of nerve damage. And that’s key because we know devastating neurological diseases—including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s—both relate to nerve cell dysfunction.

The ancient extract also seems to help people already showing signs of cognitive impairment. In one review of five clinical studies, taking ashwagandha improved cognitive function in those struggling with mild cognitive impairment (which is often a precursor to Alzheimer’s). And in another study, people showed “significant” improvements in immediate and general memory, attention, and information processing speed.

In the end, ashwagandha appears to be a safe, effective, versatile extract that gives your body exactly what it needs to achieve internal balance and optimal health. I suggest you add it, along with curcumin and boswellia, to your daily regimen.

Look for a formula that delivers 500 mg of ashwagandha along with 200 mg of curcumin and 450 mg of boswellia. Well-designed formulas will also throw in vitamin C, D, and E as well as magnesium and boron to promote joint comfort and a healthy inflammatory response.

Of course, there are DOZENS more natural ways to stay vibrant, youthful, and healthy well into your 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond, as I outline in my protocol, The Insider’s Ultimate Guide to Outsmarting “Old Age.”If you’d like to learn more about this online learning tool or enroll today, simply click here now.


“In the mood for ashwagandha: 2022 Ingredient trends for food, drinks, dietary supplements, and natural products.” Nutritional Outlook, 2/10/22. (

“Ashwagandha Benefits.” WebMD, 3/17/22. (

“9 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha.” Healthline, 1/7/22. (