This once “off-limits” food is key for heart attack prevention

For decades, the government-industrial-medical complex didn’t just warn us to avoid eating this food — they vilified it. Despite the fact that it comes from Nature, they claimed it was terrible for us — and was the dietary equivalent of a “heart attack on a plate.”

But we now know this advice was all wrong, all along. And even the government’s own experts have finally admitted the error of their ways.

Of course, I’m talking about the wholesome egg, which is — in my opinion — one of Nature’s most perfect foods.

And now, a brand-new study published in the medical journal Heart shows eating eggs daily provides incredible protection against heart attack and stroke.

The incredible, edible egg

For this study, researchers from China and the U.K. investigated the link between egg consumption and cardiovascular disease.

They analyzed nine years’ worth of data from more than 500,000 adults between 30 and 70 years of age who were free of heart disease, Type II diabetes, and cancer at the study’s outset.

When the study started, about 13 percent of participants reported eating eggs daily, while 9 percent reported they rarely or never ate eggs.

Clearly, those who ate one egg per day had a huge advantage, including:

  • 26 percent lower risk of experiencing stroke
  • 28 percent lower risk of dying from stroke
  • 18 percent reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease

The data also reflected a “significant” dose-response effect — the more eggs participants ate weekly, the lower their risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease event.

This kind of evidence has actually been around for a long time. Including the huge meta-analysis that found eating an egg a day significantly lowers stroke risk.

Yet, I still come across cardiologists, dieticians, nutritionists, and other presumed “experts” who continue tell their patients to avoid eggs. Clearly, they need to catch up on the science (if they ever knew any) .

Eggs are one of the most nutritionally dense foods you can find today…

As I mentioned earlier, I think of eggs as Nature’s perfect food.

The yolk contains high levels of heart-healthy vitamins A, B, and D. It also contains  key carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which give the yolk its bright-yellow color. Carotenoids act as antioxidants with strong cancer-fighting properties.

The egg white contains protein, which helps build and maintain the heart muscle, as I explained yesterday.

Plus, eggs are delicious and inexpensive. You can prepare them in a large variety of different ways and add them to countless dishes.

Personally, I like adding them to salads for a nutritional and flavorful punch. And I particularly enjoy fried eggs in the morning, with a little fresh salsa on top. It’s a much better start than carb- and sugar-laden breads, muffins, and cereals.

To learn more about heart-healthy foods — as well as a wealth of effective, natural approaches for preventing and reversing heart disease — check out my Heart Attack Prevention & Repair Protocol. To learn more about it or enroll today, simply click here.


“Associations of egg consumption with cardiovascular disease in a cohort study of 0.5 million Chinese adults,” Heart Published Online First: 21 May 2018. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2017-312651